Copy 15 character record Id

Salesforce natively utilizes the 15 character record Id in the URL for each record's detail page.

Navigating to a record such as an Account will display a URL similar to the line below.

Using your mouse,

  1. Click into the address/location bar of your browser
  2. Highlight the 15 character string following the last forward slash
  3. Copy the string - Using Ctrl+C on your keyboard or right clicking and selecting Copy from the available options

The application will automatically pull the Id from any record detail page as you navigate Salesforce.

Locate the Converter Application

The Id Converter is a small sidebar component that will be located on your Home tab. Depending on your Salesforce configuration, the application may be located in the sidebar of additional tabs.

It is highly recommended that you add custom sidebar components to all pages within your Salesforce configuration.

Convert record Id

Click the "Get!" button to retrieve the full Id.

The full Id will be displayed below the input field.

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